
Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Docking Accepted....

It has been nearly two years since I played Eve.  I quit to play Star Trek online, being very unimpressed with Star Trek and finding my then corporation in Eve becoming more and more inactive I didn't return to the game... I was a huge player of Eve, I had at one time three accounts, all with two years of training time on them, and one with a lot longer than that.

I had industry down pat, and ran an industry organized corp, I had a carrier and a POS out in low-sec, I had a fleet of battleships for running missions, and even indulged in some PVP from time to time... But the PVP in Eve always made me nervous... You actually can loose ships, and working alone I always found it hard to deal with the myriad of other fittings one found out in space.

Unlike WoW where I was a PVP diva, you just get killed, jump up and re-spawn with no harm, in Eve getting shot at, or loosing when you started shooting, was a real bummer.  But the thrill was there... It really was.

One of my accounts was a pirate, I use the past tense, because really I was coerced into a Pirate Corp as a three week old noob, what had happened was that I was out ratting, and did not know that 0.4 was like dangerous, I was a noob... So I was shooting shit in a belt when two guys jumped me... I was in a terribly fitted Amar battlecruiser, and they were in moderately okay fitted Gallente cruisers.  The fight was close, but I lost my Battlecruiser, but I chatted to them and they ended up inviting me...

The net result was three weeks of struggle, I bought a battleship, lost it, bought another, lost it, bought a set of frigates, never flew them... and the corp moved location, I moved out there, they dropped us off and then moved somewhere else, leaving me with a -0.95 rating and nowhere to make money...

I tried to repair that character reputation, but it was all to no avail, the history was indelibly there, I was a pirate... Things got worse, when I found some friends in 0.0 space, and set up working with them, then one day I got shot at by a guy far from their space... but I killed him... YAY a KILL!!... Only to get back to my friends to find out they were more friendly with him and they blew me up.

Utterly dejected I left this character, sent his ISK to an alt and set up trading a while... ending up at the start of this post with a new character, and two other accounts, running missions and mining for a living.

However, this week, I have the urge for more internet space ships... I have the urge for some pew pew... I've actually got all three accounts restored (but not subscribed) and each is offering 15 days free play time.

There are two or three new places for PVP in Eve... The empire war is still going on (this was started when I was still playing) but I found that joining a certain nation limited my trading and mining opportunities, especially when shipping a freighter around the universe.  The new avenues for combat are a little more up my street... One is called Red v Blue... 

No, not that Red v Blue... this is a player run initiative, to create to corporations in Eve, one called "Red" the other called "Blue", and the two are at perpetual war with one another... This means one is able to wage a limited war of opportunity, jumping in and out of the corporations at will, and doing it all whilst not getting overly exposed to low-sec or 0.0 ganking.

This appeals to me... It also appeals to me to carry out the last thing I had on my Eve agenda, before I quit, this was to find some empire mining operation, which was definitely linked to the low-sec or null sec big boys, and declare war on them, making it hard for them to move their goods around.  This idea of mine came about, because my mining corp was being pressured to leave the high-sec and low-sec areas it worked in.  We were being pressured even off of the exploration find we were uncovering, and it was all getting very silly... 

Working so hard in high-sec to find an exploration target, only to settle in mining and find the neighbours burrowing into your fat asteroids as well....

Unfortunately before I dive back in I need to get to grips with the vast number of changes to the game, there have been two major updates, and around five complex patches and balance changes to the game since I departed.  Everything from types of ships, to module roles, to the shape of the universe itself have been changed.

The most interesting thing I saw as an ex-mission runner was the idea of new tier-3 battlecruisers, able to fit battleship sized modules... The idea of having my main tanking (shield) ship running missions (level IV - so a battleship) backed up by a faster, more manoeuvrable, hard hitting gunship battlecruiser was very interesting.

So, this leaves me in the precarious position of wanting to look at all this, knowing what a huge time sink it is, and how little time I actually get on the computer at home...

I'm going to take out a trial account and get used to the new user interface first... and I also stumbled over this active blog, to update my knowledge of the system:

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