
Thursday, 14 June 2012

Chronicles of IT Life

Sometimes, my eyes hurt with the way journalists present information, this one which they appear to present as fact:

Comes from a blogger at the site shown, I really didn't know that having a blog, which is hosted with its own unique URL qualified you as a valid source for quotations... Maybe I need to start stating facts at random?  Maybe my friend needs to keep up his fantasy ornithological posts in the hope of getting into Encyclopaedia Britannica...

But what has me roaring with laughter at this reporting is, sorry Anna Leach you need to hear this, the line:

"The IT Crowd and other TV shows that chronicle of life in the tech industry"

Chronicle of life in the tech industry?... Really?... Are you insane?... They're TV shows, this is a comedy show, its not a fly on the wall documentary... A real chronicle of life in the TV industry would not make it to TV, it would be more boring than watching cress grow... Channel 5 are not about to throw 50 cameras into any of the IT departments, or programming areas, I work in and have their announcer make a dogs dinner of it:

(Queue Geordie Accent)
Eight Twenty Eight Aee Eme - No one is in yet...
Nine Fifty Two Aee Eme - The first programmer arrives, blurry eyed and turns on his computer - the Coffee machine is activated.
Four Twenty Nine Peee Eme - The programmer is now out of coke and has bitten each fingernail down to the nub whilst swearing about Cee Sharp Generics...

It would never make TV, it would never make anything interesting... Not even for Open University... This is why the Computer Programme got scrapped, talking about lines of Basic, or how the filing cabinet will disappear was... boring to 99% of the population.

Even entertaining aspects of technology shows get shuffled off to channel 5, or obscure satellite channels, every main stream IT or technology related programme has been cancelled from TV...

So... We're left with comedy, parody and jokes... And this moron blogger, come charity scrounger, reckons IT Crowd is a chronicle...

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