
Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Toilet Training

This isn't gaming related, but I work at a company who make game products, so it's all the same to me... but I'm sorry, I have to apologise a head of time. I'm going to bring the topic of conversation low right now, I'm going to talk about something us office workers don't mention to one another... the bathroom... Specifically the bathroom habits of those around us...

Now, I'm not lord cleanliness, I've lived like a bachelor and student for a swathe of my life, I'm house trained now, but I'm glad to say I've always been happily and genially toilet trained... I know how to sit without falling off... I know how to aim without missing (too much)... and I know how to wipe & wash my hands...

But it seems, unfortunately, that memo didn't get around the playground when I were a kid. There are grown men, grown men who are but a cubicles breath away from me, who wipe with balls of paper I can only imagine would choke a rhino, and whom do not wash their hands.

Let me tell you, I'm looking warily at every single door handle, every button on the coffee machine is a suspect... I'm not happy...

I feel like going out and buying a box of one size fits all latex gloves. Horrible, horrible awful people, uurgh.

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