A blog about my rantings, including Games, Game Development, Gaming, Consoles, PC Gaming, Role Playing Games, People, Gaming tips & cheats, Game Programming and a plethora of other stuff.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
On CIV 5
Thursday, 23 September 2010
CivV - The Preload
And with all this new brain power at the ready I've today preordered and started the pre-download of CIV5 on Steam.
To anyone else out there pre-ordering on steam, ignore the message "An unexpected error has occurred with your order", simply ensure you wait for the payment confirmed email from them, and then restart your machine.
Now, speaking of restarting machines... my Motherboard has had a fault come up today, I thought it was a memory issue until I investigated it. My board takes four memory modules, in pairs... on the board one set of slots is black, and one is blue... the blue pair are broken.
As in, blue screen of death, beeping at the BIOS, dead as a door nail, broken.
This is my gaming rig.... so I'm currently hobbling about with half my normal compliment of RAM... god help me.
My remedy for the situation is not a simple one though, I'm going to pick up a not so cheap new mobo (which can take all my current parts) and then over the next couple of years save up for a new top of the range i7 based system. Hopefully by then they'll be affordable.
Because I notice that parts equivalent to the ones I have fitted at the moment, are rather more expensive than one would expect after two years...
Anyway, there's been a wonderful rain storm here today, my preload now states 5.7% and tomorrow I've got nothing to do... the Mrs is on about cutting one of the ever green's tree's out back down a bit, but I'd rather take the fence panels down and torch the bloody thing... hey ho, a litre of petrol is greater than my horticultural knowledge.
Friday, 17 September 2010
More Future Development of MMO's
Further to this post which I put together earlier in the week this sad news has come to light...
I've mentioned APB before, upon its release, and I noted in the report a quote from Dave "Lemmings" Jones, which says:
"I truly wish we had the chance to continue to craft APB into the vision we had for it,"
And basically, aside from the game being in a field of interest thoroughly covered by Grand Theft Auto titles (meaning this APB was going to be on the back foot from release as you don't need to keep coughing up cash to play GTA... therefore one has to wonder whether anyone involved in APB realised that unlike WOW they didn't have a unique product?).
But that as it may, it also seems that the game released was not only not quite ready for market, but it was not quite what the developers intended for us players to experience.
And I have to say, ANY title coming to market which uses this excuse again needs to be trashed, seriously trashed.
I understand that development scales are on the fist full of years side, however, beyond development these games need to be put through full and thorough testing regimes. And they need producers with balls, balls enough to stand up to market pressure and say "no, it's not ready".
I can't stress my point enough, that these people funding these games need a re-education that though with a traditional game release you make your most sales in the first few weeks is true, but with an MMO they have to realise their outlay of funding is returned over a longer period, like a mortgage, it could take tens of months, or as in the success of the mega titles out there today, in tens of years!
It's all annoying me, I don't think I'll ever see a fully tested, fully working from the box game ever again. And I've not seen one in a long time. Patches & updates are just run of the mill now. And they shouldn't be, we players and users should ask, why was it not working before you shipped it?
I'm not saying a developer should not release a patch, oh no, they are always needed at some level, but the easy going approach developers, like Blizzard, like Bioware, like 2KGames when it comes to sorting out issues grates over me.
In the case of Bioware, I speak of my personal issues getting Dragon Age to work and keep working, in the span of a week we had nothing but patches and community speculation as to the problems being encountered. And the longer things dragged on there, the worse the convoluted confused critique got a chance to take hold and so ruin my optimistic outlook of the game.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
The End of my RTS Kicker
It's been a bit of a roller coaster, I've converged on games which some people might not call RTS, but which I covered as they have some real-time feature, or some strategy facet, or simply because they were not a shooter and I played them during my kicker :)
I started out by replaying an amount of one of my all time favourite games, CIV2. I'm specific in this, it is CIV2. Not that the other games in the CIV series are not excellent, just I have rather a soft spot for the second incarnation. I owned and enjoyed is as pretty much the only game I could turn to for some rest & relaxation while doing my bachelor degree dissertation in the embers of Christmas 1999. I had of course owned it for a long time by then, it had been a birthday gift years before. But I really got to grips with it in 1999, and I remember building massive armies and having a robust AI fight back against me on land. I enjoyed it, I pushed my 486DX2-66 running it to the max.
With CIV5 available now on pre-order, to be delivered next Friday (at the time of writing), I hope to talk the wife into letting me pre-order it this very evening. I however don't hold high hopes for it being as simple, clean and easy to get to grips with as CIV2. Graphical complexity will be massively improved however, will game play simply be more complex? Certainly some of the game play reviews out there suggest it is so.
The next on my list ironically was a delve into a title new for me, which I did blog about in an earlier post “Supreme Commander”. A great game, I'm surprised my grape vine didn't light up more thoroughly with its original release. I enjoyed it, and more importantly, intend to enjoy it some more soon.
Next on my list was a jump to my long past, further back even than CIV2. To Command & Conquer. Oh how many hours did I throw away playing this game? Oh and how glorious those hours were. I'm talking about the original game, which though looking its age, plays well, clearly the time taken to normalize the it for the modern audience into a repackaged form (you can buy the C&C through the decades pack) has been well spent.
Modern game developers could learn a good lesson from the simple clean delivery of audio visual delight that is C&C. Of course the series itself is still going strong, but for me the original game is a classic.
Between those three titles we've been on about three months of play time, and as you can see not all of them belong in the RTS genre. But certainly all of them have a special place in my heart.
The next stop on my adventure was a strange one, Sim City 4. I'm sure back in the midst of time I blogged about this title, or at least mentioned I was about to play it... it's a good game, it's not in my opinion as good as the original was on my Atari ST, certainly unlike CIV2 which eclipsed the Atari ST version of CIV I was playing Sim City 4, in my mind, does not eclipse the original game. It's a fine execution of the Sim series, it is however simply not for me.
And I'm being fair there, this is an old game, no-one is going to really go out there and buy it on purpose, one thing you should be aware of out there however, is that it is coded linked to the speed of your CPU and so on modern fast processors very hard to play. It is also hopeless at understanding dual headed graphics cards with two screens attached.
With three games I love, and one dross one on the pile, I took a bit of a break from my kicker and I played some Eve Online, but slowly as Eve does it waned and I started to play some other games from my past.
First was a replay of Rome Total war, which I consider to be the best incarnation of the Total War concept from Creative assembly. However, also on my shelf was a copy of Medieval Total War 2. A title which at first glance I had dismissed as it played rather badly on my computer of the time.
But, after routing Carthage and conquering leptis magma on the African coast I popped the MTW2 DVD into my drive and went to boil the kettle while it installed.
When I returned, somewhat caffeinated, a revelation was waiting for me. I can't say if it was the graphical ability of my new gaming rig, or whether it was because I was on a high craving RTS games, but MTW2 no longer struck me as an over demanding expectation breaking. No indeed it exceeded my wants and desires and I quickly set about playing my native English nation and kicked the snot out of most all of western and central Europe.
Like all megalomaniacs In history however I soon had a set back, in the game, when the Muslim nations raised against me and struck my borders.
A double barrel load of weeks later and I was cleaning up the highest level of AI, with some surprise at how good it was (though I was sure the barbarians cheated a lot).
Now in the glowing twilight of today I'm satiated, ready to move on, and I wonder what genre of games I might wonder through in the next quarter of 2010. But I don't wonder for long, until I realise my Civ5 pre-order will be taking me back into Strategy gaming...
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Future Development of the MMO Genre
Now, I don't mean us bloggers, commentators and players of games (though some of us, no doubt, are bloody lazy) and neither do I mean that the developers of these games are lazy; quite the opposite on that front I feel, rather I think that due to pressures of necessity and our ingenuity as a species we will always look for a short cut to get things accomplished, we like things easy and sometimes when we can't get to the solution we want out continual thinking sends us into mental frustration as literally can't see the wood for the trees.
I think as observers, players and EULA sufferers of the MMO genre, we've missed realising, missed tempering our opinions and reviews with the fact that people find it easier to do one thing than another. Not that some out there don't understand the necessity of developers cutting corners to get a job done.
However, during the recording of SUWT on Sunday morning I speculated that things were getting a bit homogeneous in a certain large scale online game, that they were ever expanding up and up and up and never adding any real breadth or depth to the game.
And I'm afraid to say in some areas of that game I was right, however, I was wrong in applying that opinion to other titles out there, Eve-Online most certainly has massive breadth & depth, though it mediates this by real-time progress as much as repetition. I suppose that's a strength of CCP over Blizzard. It also reinforces another topic covered in SUWT, that of how different companies interpret their products.
I suppose you're asking what this has to do with laziness and finding the short cut? Well, I believe the current generation of MMO's are either so busy trying to get out of the stable door, to be the next wow, or to be wow itself, they have had certain faults, certain plot devices ill explained. We have however enjoyed a plethora of new offerings in the MMO genre. The genre has matured a lot since the days of Ultima Underworld.
But I believe we need to look at all current and indeed most up coming MMO releases including WoW, DDO, RoM, LOTRO, WHO, AION, STO and all the rest as one generation of the games (obviously).
And I believe the thing which will define the next generation, won't be the story line, or the plot and probably not even the graphics (though it'll look spanking as processing power has gone up a lot as it ever has). No, the thing I think which will mark the next generation out from the current offerings will be delivery.
If an MMO suffers teething problems, scaling problems, order fulfilment or even billing and support issues, it will be instantly tarred with the same laughing stock brush as all the current bunch which have bolted from the hands of their development teams and been unleashed on the paying public early.
Those producers have got to sit back and think carefully, they have to execute their development cycle with delivery of perfection before delivery on time. Maybe this means tempering down the amount of public information released, not to promise too much too soon (as so often happens with blogs, tweets and journalists).
Whatever it means, it means letting development and testing, real testing not “public beta”, decide when to release.
Toilet Training
Now, I'm not lord cleanliness, I've lived like a bachelor and student for a swathe of my life, I'm house trained now, but I'm glad to say I've always been happily and genially toilet trained... I know how to sit without falling off... I know how to aim without missing (too much)... and I know how to wipe & wash my hands...
But it seems, unfortunately, that memo didn't get around the playground when I were a kid. There are grown men, grown men who are but a cubicles breath away from me, who wipe with balls of paper I can only imagine would choke a rhino, and whom do not wash their hands.
Let me tell you, I'm looking warily at every single door handle, every button on the coffee machine is a suspect... I'm not happy...
I feel like going out and buying a box of one size fits all latex gloves. Horrible, horrible awful people, uurgh.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Web Filtering
I'm in an interesting place, because I have experience of a very nice, complimentary IT Department, they're good guys and work with us not against us... However, they do have some silly things... one of them is that they employ WebSense which monitors and tracks our web activity and stops us doing naughty things...
They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so here's one of WebSense in action, stopping me wasting company time browsing to www.TheHunter.Com
Now, I have no problem with them blocking this site, as you can see I can choose to allocate my daily quota time to looking at the site anyway, so all's fair in love and war... but what happens when I run out of quota time? What happens if I bypass this filter all the time? What efforts will I go to to get around this?
Now, I'm quite a tech savvie person, I can get around this tool of Ming the Merciless sat on his IT Throne above me, but I choose not to, because it's there for a reason, and recently the company I work for met just such a reason; we have a massive Virus out break, which cost us three down days! Or beau coup dollar as it's known in economic circles.
But, it makes me ponder, what lengths will someone with less morals (yay me) go to to get around such tools... I believe actually that instead of saving the IT Department a shed load of work load in checking us users are not going behind their backs, it actually makes their job harder. Because people are going to be going off of the beaten track across the savannah of bandwidth to get their fix of sites deemed unsuitable for work.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Warcraft and Inflation
However, the reason for this post on my humble blog however is just to stop you lovely people out there deluging Darren & Karen about the numbers I quoted on the show...
The topic of my rant was Inflation in the game World of Warcraft, by inflation what I was talking about is the level difference between your character and the items that said character can wear. This is a sticky icky fluid sort of conversation, and I've had comments back from the populous at large which are pretty evenly bifurcated along either agreeing with me, or calling me a whining bitch.
I don't think I'm a whining bitch, but that night on the show I had a microphone and you didn't, SO YOU WILL LISTEN TO EVERY WORD I HARD TO SAY!
PLEASE NOTE: I did not intend to represent the value of 19% as the inflation flat value in Wrath, I really didn't get the point across of this being my experience, it was a topic about balance, and this was my showing unbalanced... inflated items from level 70 made 71 to 79 levels easy, and so as Karen says... "The on ramp to get everyone playing" was easy... and then to drop the level 284 items on us made my experience of the inflation curve so dramatic.
Monday, 6 September 2010
An hour to myself...
Did I spend this time profitably catching up with friends and family? No.
Did I even get around to listening to the latest episode of Shut Up We're Talking? No (and I will have to, as I'm on the show next weekend... eeek).
So what did I do?
Well, I went hunting. Darren over at common sense gamer put me onto this game last year, and I had played a little and liked it, I even subscribed for three months, but at that time I had a hell-a-lot of things to get on with, and so my then warden pass went by without my getting much use out of it. And oh boy do I regret that.
Since Friday I have been dabbling in the game, I set all the settings to max it out, even overriding some in the nVidia setting themselves to puch it just that little bit higher, and this game is stunning, so now I have it so realistic even my misses comes and lays on the bed next to my computers just to watch the trees go past....
But, I also seem to have hit my stride. I don't know if the free game is just trying to make me subscribe (as I don't remember there being this many animals to find before) but I'm really enjoying my game play.
I have today however, in the gap of time, just had my best hunt to day, five different kills, including two of them being the largest bucks (my second and first largest in ascending order) I've ever shot.
One of them was winged from a good 500ft away (by my low power free player.243 bolt action rifle) and it ran off, and I had to spend time tracking it back down... was great fun!

The game itself has been called boring, slow even dull. But if you get it, if you actually get it, then it most certainly is not boring, the thrill of the chase, the ambush, the atmosphere its all there.
The only down side id that I can't have TV, Music or iPlayer on, in this game you have to be there, to listen to use your senses.