
Saturday, 4 January 2020

Multiboxer - Numpad Fail

That moment you're testing and you realise you've bound the test buttons to the numpad....

Yeah, so I'm working on the multiboxer in bed, the amount of work I've got done on it since Boxing Day has been really great for me, I feel like I've gotten it onto the right footing and things are moving in the right direction.

I plan on getting the parameter passing sorted then working almost exclusively on tooling to help write the scripts.

At the moment I do the mouse offsets with a google sheets page, so high on that list is something to help calculate the client relative offset values for me.

Then there's got to be some visual designer for the scripts and the parameters.

If you're not sure what I'm talking about, I'm writing (well re-writing) a multiboxing software application for any old MMO, you can find I've played this a lot on a vanilla World of Warcraft instance, but also on other games.

See my older pages:

But there's a lot of them if you search "Multiboxing" on this very blog.

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Happy New Year

Yes, it's a happy new year from me!

In case you have been missing them, I've been posting regularly about a C++ project I'm working on, the multiboxer for World of Warcraft (and eventually other games).

You can catch up on all the original posts and tests, as well as the new in my play list here: 

2019 refused to go out without a final surprise for the wife and I... we were blissfully watching a film (John Wick 3 in case you're interested) and I got up to make us each a drink, only to realise I'd stepped into a hallway full of a centimeter of cold water.

The toilet cistern had gone berserk and started to flood through its top, so it was clean water, but toilet water non-the-less.  We mopped up, I've ripped up the floor in that toilet totally as it was ruined.  We've left the heating on (so the house is boiling) and we're hopeful it'll dry out.

The wooden floors through, I'm hoping not to have to take them up... hey ho.

It's been a hell of a year, new job, new house, lots of things going on, travelling to the US with work a lot (none of which I can talk to you guys about here).

So, you will have to forgive me being so busy.... 2020 here we come.