
Monday, 22 November 2010

The Chore of No Game

So, I've recently been wrestling with a new PC build... well, not so much wrestling as oiling up and pressing myself against its sheer sexual energy.

But the failure of my old rig really cut into my regular play time, so much so, that the dreaded lady of the house seems to think that I should always have a lot of time to watch X-Factor and the like with her on a Saturday night... Oh Lord above save me!

But I have actually managed to get two games installed now, first off Eve, which I have all three accounts training on thanks to 5 free days on each from CCP... I'm not re-subbing to Eve just yet, with so much expenditure recently I can't justify it.

Likewise, I've not looked at any of the F2P MMO's (D&D, LOTRO or RoM) which I was playing previously, mainly because I will have to wait for vast amounts of data to download in order to get into them...

But I have put CIV5 back on the machine, thanks to Steam and the superior bandwidth Valve get it was a breeze.  And over the weekend I enjoyed a decent random game as the French, when I busily wiped the smug Samurai smile off of Japan's face.

Another thing I have been up to though is selling off lots of my old PC parts on the old auction sites.  I had hoped the CPU in my old Quad Core rig (its Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.6GHZ) would have survived the destruction wrought in my old rig dying, but it seems its not, dropping it into another Core2 Quad able mobo I have and it seems to be dead as a door nail... Hey ho, onwards and upwards with my eight thread true quad core and 12GB of RAM... Roar.

Friday, 12 November 2010

The Good, The Bad and the Intel...

Just a quick new post, first of all, the good... I've had a stinking cold for like a week, and it has kept me up all night, but finally after forcing myself to stay in bed and doing a lot of Vitamin-C I feel better.

The Bad... My main PC has died, it is no more... my prior post about patching out the broken piece of memory was just holding off the inevitable, and it burned out the motherboard.

This leads me to the Intel, I've just placed an order for a new Core i7 - 950 chip, a nice Asus motherboard and 12GB of DDR3 from Corsair.

The bad news is between now and then I'm using my old P4 (which is still a nice P4 HT 3 ghz).

Monday, 8 November 2010

Remember, Remember the Month of November

Well, it's been a busy busy old time for me, so appologies to anyone out there wondering why I was not sending out my moaning groaning vibe.

So here we are, it's November... A month of Rememberance here in Britain, on the 11th we Remember and mark the end of the First World War, and reflect on the losses our armed forces have suffered then and ever since.

Having one grand father a veteran of the Battle of North Cape and D-Day aboard HMS Belfast, the other a veteran of the British Expeditionary Forces who fled the beaches of Dunkirk and whom later was part of the return at Normandy; not to mention one Grandmother who tended the wounds of returning USAAF Airmen and another in the British Land Army.

I find myself taking a moment to remember them.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.